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Stainless steel is a family of corrosion resistant steels containing chromium in which the chromium forms a passive film of chromium oxide (Cr2O3) when exposed to oxygen [1]. This phenomenon is called passivation and is seen in other metals, such as aluminium and titanium. The film layer is impervious to water and air and quickly reforms when the surface is scratched. This protects the metal beneath – preventing further surface corrosion. Since the layer only forms in the presence of oxygen, corrosion-resistance can be adversely affected if the component is used in a non-oxygenated environment e.g. underwater bolts on a platform support structure.

High Pressure Regeneration of TEG with Stripping Gas


In this article, regeneration of rich triethylene glycol (TEG) with striping gas at high pressure is investigated. Specifically, this study focuses on the determination of the required stripping gas rate as a function of the lean TEG mass percent, reboiler temperature, and the number of theoretical trays in the stripping section (NS) for a regenerator (still) column with two theoretical trays (NR). By performing rigorous computer simulations of TEG regeneration at high pressure, a series of charts for quick determination of stripping gas rates needed for facilities type calculations are developed.

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