Competency Program Management
Proven track record of Competency Management Program implementations across the world.

Program Design & Development
Our program design and development approaches not only reflect the latest in industry preferred standards, but will also align with common internal organizational initiatives such as Performance Management, Career Progression, Employee Motivation and Accelerated Development Programs.
PetroSkills Competency Consultants work intimately with HR, Learning & Development, and Human Capital SMEs in the development of an organization-specific competency management program specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of corporate visions and existing strategies.
Competency Management Methodology - click to enlarge
Competency Development Process - click to enlarge
Governance & Sustainability
Our Governance & Sustainability Modeling establishes the policies, standards, and general guidelines for the continuous monitoring of new Competency Management Programs against organizational standards to ensure proper implementation and ongoing effectiveness or sustainability.
Based on best practice approaches and generally recommended methodologies, the Governance and Sustainability Model is drafted at the start of each full-scale program implementation, and gradually updated and adjusted towards site-specific requirements throughout the initial deployment of a program, and ongoing throughout the continuous improvement lifecycle.
It serves as the “Operations Manual” for the Competency Management Program, and focuses on the governance of four critical pillars of Program, Competency, Software, and Deployment.
Other key elements of our Governance and Sustainability Modelling may include:
- Competency Terminology
- Skills Development Process
- Program Roles & Responsibilities
- Program RACI & Organization Structure
- Quality Assurance Process
- Sustainability Process
- Assessment Standardization Processes
- Management of Change Procedures
- Software Roles & Permissions
- Dispute, Disagreement & Appeals
- Integration with Career Management
- Integration with other HR Initiatives
- Program Support & Help Desks
Maturity Modelling & Diagnostics
PetroSkills Maturity Modelling aligns the critical elements of a Competency Management Program with the five distinct phases of maturity, established worldwide as a generally accepted standard by Carnegie Mellon University.
Through methodical review and evaluation of each Competency Management Pillar, its associated level of maturity can be established, with subsequent analysis and diagnostics carried out to identify recommended actions or priorities necessary to assure sustained growth and scalability.
This introduces a governed approach the growth of a Competency Management Program and the management of workforce capabilities, allowing organizations to remain technically relevant and highly competitive throughout industry changes.
For a complimentary diagnostic report on your Competency Management Program’s Maturity Model, see here