The compatibility or scaling tendency of effluent production waters with reservoir formation waters in the oil field will be a major factor in determining the feasibility, as well as long term planning of produced water re-injection into a specific reservoir and defining engineering solutions for the injection system and specific compatibility of the designated mixed waters. A specific computer software can be used to evaluate the experimentally measured chemical analyses of effluent waters and formation water with a primary goal of determining the tendency of scale formation. The scaling tendency for the commingling of individual effluent waters with a defined formation water at reservoir temperatures and pressures may also be predicted. These data provide a fundamental basis to justify, or discard, the mixing of produced waters 1) by each other, 2) with available waters from other sources, 3) or in case of re-injection, with formation water at the reservoir conditions. Salman et. al. investigated the scaling tendency for four Gathering Centers (GC) of an oil field in the State of Kuwait [3]. Attention was given to the scaling tendency of CaCO3 and BaSO4 for various acceptable mixing proportions of a specific effluent water with formation water. To demonstrate the steps involved, this tip of the month reports the summary of results by Salman et. al.’s computer scaling study for four Gathering Centers [3]. In a follow-up tip, we will focus on scaling during rich MEG feed regeneration [1, 2]. To learn more about this Tip and past Tips of the Month, visit JMC Tip of the Month. [Keep reading]