In December 2021 tip of the month (TOTM), we presented two simple empirical correlations for estimating pure liquids surface tensions of the paraffins methane through n-octane. The two correlations express the surface tension as a function of the reduced temperature and molecular weight with only two (first correlation) and four (second correlation) fitted parameters. These correlations and the smoothed experimental data were used to generate three figures for methane through n-octane and a few heavy ends with known molecular weights. In this follow-up TOTM, an estimation method for surface tension for the paraffin liquid mixtures in equilibrium with natural gas with a fixed feed composition will be presented. Using the SRK-EOS of ProMax five charts were generated to estimate the hydrocarbon liquid mixtures surface tensions, σ, as a function of temperature and pressure at a specified inlet feed gas relative density in the range of 0.6 to 0.8. The feed gas composition was flashed to varying temperatures and pressures within the two-phase region of the feed gas envelope to generate the liquid and vapor phases. The resulting liquid surface tension estimates were then plotted. In addition, the accuracy of a semi empirical approach based on the Macleod basic relationship to estimate σ was evaluated and summarized against the surface tension values calculated by ProMax. [Keep reading]