Rod, PCP, Jet Pumps and Plunger Lift


About the eLearning Course

This skill module will specifically describe the engineering design and operational requirements of Rod Pump, Progressing Cavity Pump (PCP), Jet Pump, and Plunger Lift well completions types. This module provides an overview of proven basic principles: to design rod pump, PCP pump, jet pump, and plunger lift artificial lift systems to optimize production and recovery. Each of these artificial lift types have specific operating characteristics that are available to apply to operate appropriate candidate wells. Each will be examined using theory, videos and animations, and exercises to study and evaluate when and how to select these differing artificial lift systems for unique completion conditions. Oil recovery and gas well de-watering principles using appropriate artificial lift systems are described. Conventional and unconventional reservoir applications are cited.

See example online learning module

Target Audience

Petroleum engineers, production operations staff, reservoir engineers, facilities staff, drilling and completion engineers, geologists, field supervisors and managers, field technicians, service company engineers and managers, and especially engineers starting a work assignment in production engineering and operations or other engineers seeking a well-rounded foundation in production engineering. Prerequisite: It is recommended that the learner have previous knowledge of basic Inflow and Outflow concepts and related NodalTM Analysis principles and applications. The "Production Principles Basics" module covers Inflow and Outflow at the basic competency level.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • How to evaluate reservoir and well conditions to choose the appropriate artificial lift system for each set of conditions
  • How rod pump, PCP pump, jet pump, and plunger lift artificial lift systems work
  • How to design and optimize rod pump, PCP pump, jet pump, and plunger lift completions
  • Why surveillance and monitoring of artificial lift systems is essential
  • Various API and related design standards and practices that represent key, proven artificial lift system performance fundamentals

Product Details





Product Type:

eLearning Course




4.5 hours (approx.)
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