Operations Crew Resource Management - OCRM
About the Course
Why do experienced, competent personnel make mistakes during the planning or implementation of operations?
How does an organization address these potential mistakes?
High-risk industries introduce and practice non-technical skills (NTS) coined as Crew Resource Management (CRM) to address human errors. In the late 1970s, the airline industry was plagued with many crashes and resulting fatalities. Often investigations yielded no evidence of design or mechanical failures, rather poor or inconsistent decision making was the major contributing factor to the incident (e.g., poor communications, distractions, leadership actions, lack of teamwork, changing situation without knowledge, stresses, and fatigue played a role in the incidents). The industry came together focusing on six non-technical skills, naming the effort CRM. After 40 plus years, CRM is still a major component of all airline industry training.
Other high-risk industries began to incorporate CRM into their organizations to reduce the number of incidents. However, of recent, those and other industries have seen performance improvements with the incorporation of CRM. Introducing and practicing NTS has reduced nonproductive time thus improving performance delivery.
Target Audience
You Will Learn
- Situational awareness
- Decision-making
- Communications
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Stressors/factors that impact human performance
Course Content
Information gathering
Shared understanding
Possible consequences
Problems and contingencies
Decision Making
Situation and goal definition
Previous experence
Information exchange
Context explanation
Relevant inclusion
Task coordination
Gap/duplication resolution
Working relationships
Effort support
Taking charge
Providing direction
Task prioritization
Organizational process
Stressors/Factors that Impact Human Performance
Resiliency practice
Effort recognition
Product Details
Upstream, Midstream, Health, Safety, & EnvironmentDisciplines:
Multi-Discipline Training Quality Assurance & ControlLevels:
FoundationProduct Type:
CourseFormats Available:
Charlie HoltAdditional
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