Turnaround Operations


About the eLearning Course

During process operations, equipment becomes less flexible and increasingly unable to reach maximum production capacity because operating conditions deteriorate. To keep conditions optimal for production, process facilities schedule turnaround (T/A) operations to restore unit operating capabilities. In this series, you will learn about T/A operations, how they are implemented, and the overall impact a turnaround operation has on facility costs.

Target Audience

Operations personnel who require a fundamental understanding of knowledge to operate and maintain facilities. Also suitable for maintenance and technician personnel whether new to their roles or seasoned experts looking to enhance their skills.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Describe the purpose for a turnaround.
  • Identify the main types of plant turnarounds.
  • Describe the planning requirements, including the types of schedules created, for a successful turnaround.
  • Describe how tasks that must be completed during turnaround are documented and tracked.
  • Describe the types of activities that must take place before a turnaround can begin.
  • Describe how to safely work with scaffolding during a turnaround.
  • Describe the purpose of pressure inspections.
  • Identify the requirements for ensuring process vessels are safely cleared of all process fluids.
  • Describe how to blind, lock, and tag out all equipment.
  • Identify how to shutdown and isolate the unit from production operations.
  • Describe how to clear lines, install blinds, and decontaminate vessels.
  • Describe the types of maintenance activities that can be done on and off site.
  • Describe how to ensure progress is being made during the turnaround.
  • Describe how and when to complete pressure integrity inspections during a turnaround.
  • Describe the process for adding inventory and starting up the process.
  • Define the impact of turnaround on a refinery’s capacity.
  • Identify the impact a turnaround has on revenue.
  • Describe the relationship between time and costs during a turnaround.
  • Describe the safe work practices that should underscore a turnaround operation.
  • Identify the training activities that will typically precede a turnaround.
  • Describe the communication that must take place to ensure a safe turnaround.

Product Details


Refinery Operations



Product Type:

eLearning Course




5 hours (approx.)
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