Safe Tank Cleaning: Preparing for Cleaning


About the eLearning Course

Safe Tank Cleaning is a series of four learning programs designed to teach anyone involved in the planning or supervision of a tank cleaning job the safety procedures for gas-freeing and cleaning stationary storage tanks. Preparing for Cleaning explains why tank cleaning is necessary and outlines the steps that must be carried out before any tank cleaning work begins. You will also learn about the hazards that must be minimized or eliminated at the tank cleaning site, and the ways to handle those hazards. The program also covers basic test equipment and discusses the use and importance of permits as they apply to tank cleaning.

Target Audience

Operations personnel who require a fundamental understanding of knowledge to operate and maintain facilities. Also suitable for maintenance and technician personnel whether new to their roles or seasoned experts looking to enhance their skills.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Describe why tanks need cleaning.
  • Describe the types of tanks.
  • Describe the process for tank cleaning.
  • Describe how an explosive flammable mixture could develop during tank cleaning.
  • Identify the process for testing for flammable vapors.
  • Identify toxic substances likely to be found in a tank, including hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and organic lead.
  • Describe environmental hazards likely to be found during tank cleaning, including oxygen deficiency, physical hazards, and adverse weather conditions.
  • Identify when a permit is required to perform a specific job.

Product Details



Product Type:

eLearning Course




2 hours (approx.)
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