Safe Tank Cleaning: Gas-Freeing


About the eLearning Course

Safe Tank Cleaning is a series of four learning programs designed to teach anyone involved in the planning or supervision of a tank cleaning job the safety procedures for gas freeing and cleaning stationary storage tanks. In Gas Freeing, you will learn specific information on gas freeing three different tank designs, with the assumption that each tank contains a low-sulfur crude oil. The program emphasizes the importance of accurately performing tests for flammable vapors, toxic substances, and oxygen deficiency.

Target Audience

Operations personnel who require a fundamental understanding of knowledge to operate and maintain facilities. Also suitable for maintenance and technician personnel whether new to their roles or seasoned experts looking to enhance their skills.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify the different methods of gas freeing.
  • Identify the different types of tanks and their methods of gas freeing.
  • Describe the general process of gas freeing.
  • Describe the different types of tests you should run during gas freeing.
  • Identify how to properly and safely gas free a cone roof tank.
  • Identify how to properly and safely gas free an open floating roof tank.
  • Identify how to properly and safely gas free a covered floating roof tank.

Product Details



Product Type:

eLearning Course




2 hours (approx.)
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