Production Problem Diagnosis


About the eLearning Course

The early detection of “Problems” in producing and injection wells is one of a Production Engineer’s primary responsibilities. The earlier that one recognizes a problem exists, the less severe the problem, the sooner the problem can be corrected, and the sooner the production rate will be restored. This skill module focuses on four primary aspects of “Problem Wells”:

  • Causes
  • Effects
  • Detection
  • Prevention

See example online learning module

Target Audience

Petroleum engineers, production operations staff, reservoir engineers, facilities staff, drilling and completion engineers, geologists, field supervisors and managers, field technicians, service company engineers and managers, and especially engineers starting a work assignment in production engineering and operations or other engineers seeking a well-rounded foundation in production engineering.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify the characteristics of "Problem Wells"
  • Recognize that the term "Problem Well" can be applied to both producing and injection wells
  • Recognize the many different causes of "Problem Wells"
  • Recognize how these different causes manifest themselves in either productivity reductions or operational problems associated with our wells
  • Recognize the various diagnostic methods available to determine that a problem(s) exists
  • Understand the various Production Logging Tools (PLT) available to determine the causes of our well problems
  • Determine the “Problem Wells” based on a table
  • Properly diagnose a “Problem Well” based on information given in a table
  • Understand the importance of complying with well component requirements to ensure the integrity of a well though the life of the well
  • Understand the process of Root Cause Failure Analysis as it applies to ESP failures
  • Recognize many of the methods available to us to prevent wells from becoming “Problem Wells”

Product Details





Product Type:

eLearning Course




3 hours (approx.)
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