Gas Measurement: Orifice Flow Calculations


About the eLearning Course

Orifice Flow Calculations is an in-depth program covering the measurement of gases flowing through orifice meters. You will learn about the orifice flow rate equation and the eleven factors in the orifice meter flow constant. Tables are provided for the factors so you can work through the field measurement problems.

Target Audience

Operations personnel who require a fundamental understanding of knowledge to operate and maintain facilities. Also suitable for maintenance and technician personnel whether new to their roles or seasoned experts looking to enhance their skills.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify the elements of the orifice flow equation.
  • Calculate or use a chart to determine the pressure extension factor.
  • Define the basic orifice factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the specific gravity factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the flowing temperature correction factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the base temperature factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the base pressure factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the Reynold's number factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the expansion factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the supercompressibility factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the manometer factor and use a chart to find the value.
  • Define the orifice thermal expansion factor.
  • Define the location factor.
  • Complete calculations using factors in the orifice equation.
  • Describe how to use chart averages to calculate rate of flow.
  • Describe how production is calculated using a chart integrator.
  • Calculate production under changing conditions.

Product Details


Production Operations



Product Type:

eLearning Course




4 hours (approx.)
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