Gas Lift


About the eLearning Course

Gas lift is a common technique used in the oil and gas industry to enhance the production of oil or natural gas from a well. It involves injecting gas into the well to reduce the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column in the wellbore, which helps lift the oil or gas to the surface. Gas lift is a simple but effective method for increasing the production rate of oil wells, especially in situations where there is already a high gas/liquid ratio.  It can be adjusted by controlling the rate of gas injection and the depth at which gas is injected to optimize oil production from the well.


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Target Audience

Petroleum engineers, production operations staff, reservoir engineers, facilities staff, drilling and completion engineers, geologists, field supervisors and managers, field technicians, service company engineers and managers, and especially engineers starting a work assignment in production engineering and operations or other engineers seeking a well-rounded foundation in production engineering.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Understand the concept of gas lift in both unloading mode and operating mode to start up a gas lift completion and operate the completion over its life
  • Identify the principles of gas lift valve performance and the proper location of the operating valve and unloading valves
  • Recognize the characteristics of lift gas performance analysis to properly establish the most efficient gas lift completion performance conditions

Product Details





Product Type:

eLearning Course




1.5 hours (approx.)
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