Defining the Scope of the Greenhouse Gas Forecast


About the Skill Module

This eLearning course considers how to define the scope and assessment
boundaries of the GHG forecast. Defining scopes and boundaries is essential
when developing GHG forecasts. This step ensures the forecast's accuracy,
transparency, and comparability of the forecast.

Target Audience

Industry plant technical managers, engineers, maintenance personnel, project
engineers, and engineering and technical personnel involved in managing
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

You Will Learn

  • Identify which types of emissions are measured and how much detail should be included

  • Determine constraints for the planned forecast

  • Identify key stakeholders and data sources necessary for comprehensive Greenhouse Gas forecasting

  • Identify all operational activities that contribute to Greenhouse Gas emissions

  • Describe the Greenhouse Gas accounting principles and their significance when preparing a Greenhouse Gas emissions forecast

  • Analyze the broader organizational context to ensure inclusivity of all emissions sources based on their relevance and materiality

  • Describe what boundaries are and why they matter

  • Explain the importance of setting adequate organizational andoperational boundaries


Course Content
  • Constraints of a GHG Forecasting Study

  • Forecast Stakeholders and Data Sources

  • Organizational and Operational Boundaries

Product Details


Energy Transition


Greenhouse Gas



Product Type:

Individual Skill Module




2.5 hours (approx.)