Decision Policy and Value Calculations Fundamentals


About the eLearning Course

This eLearning course explores the complexities of decision-making, cognitive
biases, and advanced forecasting methods. This course combines theoretical
knowledge with practical tools aiming to enhance participants’ strategic decision-
making abilities.

Target Audience

Geologists, engineers, geophysicists, managers, team leaders, economists, and

You Will Learn

  • Perform mid-period present value (PV) calculations
  • Use Excel’s Goal Seek function to solve for internal rate of return (IRR) and other target values
  • Use the inverse formula for inflation calculations
  • Explain the expected utility (EU) decision rule
  • Calculate EUs and certainty equivalents (CEs)
  • Describe mathematical optimization and geometric analogies, such as hill-climbing
  • Use Excel’s Goal Seek function to solve for internal rate of return (IRR) and other target values
  • Apply cost- or time-equivalents to decision criteria and metrics
  • Describe everyday cost vs. value tradeoffs in health care, safety, and environment
  • Structure and solve multi-criteria decision problems using the Franklin and SMARTER methods
Course Content
  • Project Modeling
  • Decision Policy
  • Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM)

Product Details


Energy Business



Product Type:

eLearning Course




6.5 hours (approx.)
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