Budgeting for Oil and Gas | eLearning module


About the eLearning Course

This skill module is a guide through the most important activity an oil and gas company undertake. More important than exploring for oil or operating existing assets? Yes, and this skill module explains why that is true. When it comes to the big picture of economics, budgeting suddenly takes center stage and displays its power to drive economic success. Budgeting is where economic success is incubated. In this skill module, budgeting methodology is explained, and the contribution economic evaluation tools make to the process is clarified.


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Target Audience

Managers, engineers, explorationists, field accounting supervisors and other personnel who need to develop or improve their skill and understanding of basic economic analysis and profitability of petroleum exploration and production.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Screen projects for inclusion into the capital budget allocation
  • Economically rank projects
  • Accomodate legal, safety, and regulatory impacts to capital budgets
  • Think like an executive when evaluating capital budget allocation to projects and corporate functions

Product Details


Energy Business



Product Type:

eLearning Course




2 hours (approx.)
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