The Reduction of Unplanned Events Operations – Well Site Supervisor


About the Course

This course is part of the Track 1: Well Site Supervisor Development Program. Well Site Supervisor Development Program - Track 1 The TRUE (The Reduction of Unplanned Events) was developed by a major operator to be used globally to invest awareness competency into every member of the rig crew in their global fleet. This unit indeed ensures the Wellsite Supervisor understands the need for trending data to detect the possibility of an unplanned event and provide the initial steps to mitigate the event's severity from disrupting normal operations. More importantly, it equips the WSS to have several dozen “lunch box” discussions with every rig crew on every rig with excellent graphics and script to increase the understanding and engagement of each crew in minimizing waste and identifying opportunities to reduce time spent on each hole interval on a multiple-well contract. A total of 24 hours are included in this course with 8 hrs eLearning and 16 hrs virtual instructor-led sessions

Target Audience

Designed for field supervisors and junior field supervisors who are being developed to be well site supervisors; entry-level well site field personnel; experienced personnel who are cross-training to move into a supervisory role and lead operations at the well site.

You Will Learn

  • Well Performance Management Core
  • Stuck Pipe Prevention Core

Course Content

Virtual Instructor Led Training

During four sessions spanning sixteen virtual training hours, participants will meet with the instructor to discuss a common template for all major unplanned events, including Stuck Pipe, Lost Circulation, Rig Repair, Downhole Equipment Failure, Drill String Failure, Proper Usage of Drilling Jars, and Well Control. Pre-job checklists for major non-drilling events, such as Cementing and Running Casing, are also included. This is enhanced with simple presentations on Basic Geology, Casing Program, Drilling Fluids, Hydraulics, and Horizontal Drilling to allow the rig crew members to actively engage in the Continuous Learning/Improvement Culture necessary to achieve the pragmatic technical limit for the rig and crew on a specific well type. Finally, a comprehensive set of investigation packages is provided to ensure consistent capture of learning from each unplanned event.

Back-to-Work Plan

Two key aspects in the common template for each unplanned event are job role assignments for key rig crew members to trend data to recognize when “trouble is brewing” while it’s small. More importantly, detailed “first responses” are provided, especially for the driller, so as not to “make things worse.” A major BTW plan component is reviewing the existing procedures on each rig for warning signs and initial responses with the Toolpusher and senior wellsite supervisor. Present any recommended improvements to personnel in the office. Similarly, there are eight different investigation packages. Review each package for its equivalent on your specific rig operations. Review gaps with the Toolpusher and senior wellsite supervisor and present recommended improvements to office personnel. Identify the top two unplanned events in your operating area and audit your rig to identify if “best practices” are in place. Where appropriate, review recommendations with the Toolpusher and senior wellsite supervisor and present any recommended improvements to office personnel. Based on the above, select 6-10 lunch box presentations to offer to each crew. Lead the crew in brainstorming ideas for mitigation of these events going-forward.

A presentation recapping the learning and recommendations from each participant for this unit is made to a designee of the participant's manager.

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James Bobo


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