Production Operations 1, Vol. 1


About the Book

This two-volume set of books encompasses well production operations from the time the first potential oil or gas horizon is penetrated until the well is abandoned. Primary focus is on well completions, workovers, and stimulation, which are key and critical to producing operations. This fifth edition update adds many current industry advances and processes.


A well completion is not merely the mechanical process of drilling a hole, setting casing, and perforating a hydrocarbon zone. The objective of completing a well is to obtain, and maintain, effective communication with the desired reservoir fluids and is the focal point of exploration and production activities. The technology required for effective well completion involves many disciplines and many different types of talent.

These books emphasize the importance of total reservoir description including geology and fluid flow characteristics; the role of effective communication between the reservoir and the wellbore; the pitfalls of flow restriction around the wellbore; the importance of knowing where fluids are and where they are moving to; and, the problems of excluding undesired fluids.

All these factors become more important as the industry improves upon waterflooding and enhanced recovery technologies in an effort to maximize recovery of increasingly valuable hydrocarbon fluids. Practical approaches to defining and solving these problems constitute the substance of these volumes.

These two books are the product of many years of producing engineering, and research experience plus nearly 50 years of conducting training programs throughout the world for petroleum industry groups, including engineers, managers, geologists, technicians, and foremen. The emphasis throughout this two-volume series is on clarity and readability, with a minimum of verbiage. The aim is to increase oil and gas production and reserves, to reduce costs, and to increase profits through effective application of proved technology.

Application of ideas and techniques in these books should be of major benefit to planners, as well as operating personnel, in solving field producing problems whatever the specific application. These books, along with their use in an effective training program, should reduce the time required for "proved techniques" to become routine field practice.


ISBN: 978-0-930972-29-5

Product Details





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Thomas O. Allen and Alan P. Roberts


438 pages


OGCI and PetroSkills Publications
This two-volume set of books encompasses well production operations from the time the first potential oil or gas horizon is penetrated until the well is abandoned. Primary focus is on well completions, workovers, and stimulation, which are key and cr...
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