Scott Wilson

MR. SCOTT J. WILSON has 25 years of varying oil and gas experience spanning all major petroleum producing regions in the world. He is a Vice President with Ryder Scott Company, L.P., with offices in Houston, Denver and Calgary. Prior to joining Ryder Scott, he was a Principal Engineer with the Atlantic Richfield Company, advising on well performance issues. He has taught over 100 sessions on NODAL analysis, gas reservoir engineering, production forecasting, and advanced reservoir engineering. He coordinated the development of several Windows based NODAL and Decline programs, two of which are the primary tools used at the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk oil fields. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Alaska, Colorado, and Wyoming, a member of SPE and SPEE, has authored several technical papers, and holds two US Patents. He received a BS in petroleum engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and an MBA in finance from the University of Colorado.