Omar Barkat

DR. OMAR BARKAT is a registered and licensed Professional Engineer and the Executive Director for Upstream Operations with PetroProTech. He has been a training specialist and technical consultant for OGCI-PetroSkills since 1997. He has over 28 years of combined industrial and academic experience in the USA, North Africa and Europe. He has been an active international oil and gas consulting engineer since 1993 involved in projects related to surface production operations, upstream facilities, field development, oil and gas production systems performance optimization, equipment selection, petroleum fluids treating and processing and fluids disposal management. From 1980 to 95, he worked on several oil and gas production technical issues and led research and development projects in areas such as: cement slurries, hydraulic fracturing fluids, proppant transport, emulsions, drilling muds, formation damage, cutting transport, H2S/CO2 corrosion, fluid flow and rheology, drag and pour point reducing agents and petroleum processing. He has successfully designed and delivered several short courses, seminars and lectures in a variety of oil and gas topics throughout the world. He is a former tenured university full professor in Louisiana and Oklahoma, a current member of several international societies including SPE, AIChE, ACS and ASEE, and a member of the US National Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi. He is an invited Adjunct Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa and a member of its Industrial Advisory Board. He is the author of numerous technical publications, the recipient of several professorship, research, teaching and merit awards and listed in the Who's Who in Science and Engineering. He received a Chemical Engineering State Diploma from the National Polytechnique School of Algiers, an MS and a PhD from the University of Tulsa.