Mark McCaffrey

DR. MARK MCCAFFREY received his BA (1985) from Harvard University, magna cum laude with highest honors in geological sciences, and his PhD (1990) in chemical oceanography (in the area of organic geochemistry) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program. Mark spent 10 years at Chevron and Arco as a petroleum geochemist, then founded OilTracers LLC. After 10 years, OilTracers was acquired by Weatherford. Mark is a California Registered Geologist (License #5903), a Texas Professional Geoscientist (Geology, License #350), a Louisiana Professional Geoscientist (License #264), and an AAPG Certified Petroleum Geologist (Certificate #5339). He is author of numerous articles on the application of geochemistry. As an expert witness in gas fingerprinting, he has testified (i) in Mississippi State Court, (ii) in Ohio Federal Court, (iii) before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, (iv) before the Railroad Commission of Texas, and (v) before the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Office of Conservation. Mark received the 1995 Pieter Schenck Award from the European Association of Organic Geochemists for "outstanding work on biomarkers in relation to paleoenvironmental studies and petroleum exploration." In 1998, with project team members, Mark received the Arco Award of Excellence "for developing a new charge and migration model for the Brookian petroleum system, allowing improved charge risk assessment for prospects on the Central North Slope of Alaska." Mark was a 2001-2002 Distinguished Lecturer for the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He was the 2014 recipient (as coauthor) of the AAPG Energy Minerals Division President's Certificate for Excellence in Oral Presentation and was the 2015 recipient (as coauthor) of the AAPG Bernold M. "Bruno" Hanson DEG Excellence of Presentation award.