James Haner

DR. JAMES L. HANER is the head of Ultimate Business Resources (UBR) Consulting, specializing in "Building Better Businesses." UBR is an independent firm offering business consulting and project management services to Fortune 500 companies in the US, Europe, Africa, and China. James has more than 30 years of experience in business and IT. His responsibilities have included establishing a corporate web presence for a Fortune 500 company, creating a successful organization-wide employee development plan, and developing the IT infrastructure for a start-up company in both project management and leadership roles. He completed his PhD work at the University of Idaho and Corillins University. He earned an MA degree in Management/Leadership from the Claremont Graduate School and took classes with Peter F. Drucker, "the father of modern management." James is a contributing author of 140 Project Management Tips in 140 Words or Less, 2010; Making Sense of Sustainability in Project Management, 2011; and Program Management: A Lifecycle Approach (2012).