James Granath

DR. JAMES W. GRANATH is a consulting structural geologist based in Denver, Colorado, who has worked in academia as well as the minerals and petroleum industries.  Since 1976 he has taught at SUNY Stony Brook and spent 18 years in Conoco in research, international exploration, and new ventures. In 1999 he opened a consulting practice focused on structural geology and tectonics as applied to exploration problems, interrupted only by brief periods of work with Forest Oil and Midland Valley Exploration in Denver.  He is a member of AAPG, AGU, GSA, and RMAG, and is a certified petroleum geologist (#5512) and a Texas Professional Geologist (#733).  He is the author of numerous research papers and co-edited several multi-author compendia.  His expertise lies in seismic interpretation and integration with structural analysis, fracture analysis, regional synthesis, and prospect and play evaluation. He holds his PhD from Monash University in Australia, and a BS and MS from of University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.