Gary Massingill
DR. GARY L. MASSINGILL has 35 years of industry experience as a geologist with a mixed background that includes research, exploration and production of uranium, gold, conventional oil and gas and unconventional resources, both oil sands and source shale plays. He has worked for Marathon Oil, Western Oil Sands, Cambridge Mineral Resources, Newmont Mining, Santa Fe Pacific Gold, Blazer Oil and Gas, Exxon, US Steel and New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Generally, his focus has been applied exploration, but his primary disciplines have been previously considered at times as a sedimentologist, structural geologist or researcher. He has served as the Director, Chief Geologist and President of companies. His entrepreneurial spirit is still active and he is currently involved in several ventures primarily focused on the development of oil sand resources. He has a BS and MS from West Texas State University and a PhD from the University of Texas at El Paso.