Dale Fitz

DR. DALE FITZ has 36 years of experience as a petrophysicist doing open-hole and cased-hole log interpretation and production logging in both exploration and production environments. He spent over 34 years working for ExxonMobil. About half of this time was spent doing research on shaly sand petrophysical methods, cased-hole nuclear logging techniques, and high-angle/horizontal well logging techniques. The remaining time was spent in various exploration and production departments providing petrophysical support for extended reach high-angle/horizontal drilling programs and providing cased-hole nuclear and production logging support for difficult production challenges world-wide. During this time, he was heavily involved in developing and delivering training worldwide to ExxonMobil and affiliates on basic well logging, cased-hole nuclear logging, and production logging. Since retirement, Dale has been heavily involved in volunteer work for the Boy Scouts of America but has also been developing new training for cased-hole nuclear logging and production logging courses. He has a BS in Chemistry from Oklahoma State University and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Illinois. He held postdoctoral fellowships at the Max Planck Institut for Stromungsforschung in Gottingen, Germany and the University of Toronto, in Canada. He was also a visiting assistant professor in chemistry at the University of Houston. He has 27 publications in chemistry, 14 publications in the open-literature in petrophysics, and has numerous internal publications, memos, and training manuals with ExxonMobil. He is a member of the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. At various times in the past he has served as an assistant editor for petrophysical publications for both of these professional societies.