PetroSkills Compass®
Web-based Competency Management Solution

Identify, Assess, and Capture Workforce Competencies
Compass enables you to easily track employee skills, identify skills gaps, manage professional development plans, and gather and manage the evidence that demonstrates employee capabilities. Compass helps oil and gas companies streamline the overall competency management process.
Key Features of Compass include:
Useful & Useable
The Compass user interface is clear, intuitive and easy-to-use, and presents a visual picture of competency for individuals, groups or the entire organization. Participants and supervisors can quickly see which areas need attention for development or assessment. Search features make finding information quick and easy for participants, supervisors, and administrators. Profiles allow filtering of information in records for reporting statistics. Custom profile characteristics can be added.
Development Support
Compass is designed to work with Competency Maps developed with members of the PetroSkills Alliance or other competency frameworks. These are used to define the requirements for each job position that individual and group competencies can be tracked and measured against. They are linked to learning and development activities such as e-learning, courses, work experiences and performance support to ensure that any skills gaps can be closed quickly and effectively. Development Plans are clear and easy to interpret with monthly and yearly views. Activities can be assigned and viewed, and even “ad hoc” activities (those not linked to specific competencies in the frameworks), notes, and documents can be added.
Assurance Support
Compass makes it easy for employees to upload documentation that proves they have the skills that they say they do. This may include copies of certificates, course assessments, or even videos of an employee performing a specific task. The Quick Assess feature provides a method for participant self-assessment and supervisor cross-assessment that is quick and simple. Compass enables a broad range of assurance levels: from self-assessment to comprehensive assessor/verifier/approver options. With this information, company managers can provide documentation as needed to inform regulatory agencies or other concerned parties about their workforce competency.
Compliance Support
Automatic scheduling of expirations sets a time for recertification or review of competencies critical for compliance and regulatory requirements. Clear visual indicators show when a skill is about to elapse or has elapsed and both the participant and the supervisor are alerted via a system notification.
Enabling Flexible Usage
The web-based Compass solution is designed to work across platforms ranging from smartphones to desktop computers. This enables your workers to access Compass using the technology that is most convenient for them, making it easier to keep up with learning tasks. Compass also includes user-friendly dashboards for supervisors so they can identify skills and capabilities gaps and instantly answer questions about the status of an employee or team.
User Scenarios
Scenario 1: Early-career Engineer
Creating a development plan for an early career engineer
The job position competencies are assigned to the employee in Compass using customized PetroSkills CMaps.
The young engineer performs a self-assessment in Compass, reading the objective-based competencies and deciding if he/she has all of the described skills (I know this or can do this) or only a few of them (I really do not know this or cannot yet do this). The self-assessment step is important as it encourages the young engineer to take an active role in developing his/her skills and career.
The individual’s supervisor or mentor performs a cross-assessment in Compass. This, along with the gaps shown during the self-assessment, provides an excellent format for the engineer and the supervisor or mentor to have a development discussion.
Using the gap analysis feature in Compass, the engineer and the supervisor or mentor can review the gaps and determine the best development activities to close the gaps.
Using the development activities linked in Compass to the competencies (such as e-learning opportunities, instructor-led classes, work assignments and on-the-job training), the engineer and the supervisor or mentor can quickly identify the most appropriate solutions and add them to the Compass development plan schedule.
The engineer and the supervisor or mentor use the development plan to manage the closing of the skill gaps, updating the self-assessment and cross-assessment as and when required.
Where appropriate, the employee can upload documentation demonstrating attainment of skills. Companies can use this documentation to prove their employees are qualified to do their jobs.
With Compass, company managers can create reports about competency at the individual, group and managerial level. This information can aid them in strategic planning and in understanding the development needs of all of their employees.
Scenario 2: Plant Operator
Performing and documenting knowledge tests and a capability assessment for a plant operator
The operator is assigned a set of tasks (competencies) for the next development period.
The operator is assigned with a learning solution that may include e-learning opportunities, instructor-led classes or on-the job training.
Once the learning is complete, the operator completes a knowledge test that is conducted either within Compass or outside the solution. If taken externally, the test results can be uploaded to Compass as evidence.
The operator completes assigned on-the-job training that is based on the tasks assigned in Compass.
The final stage is for the operator to complete a workplace capability assessment for the task or tasks that is conducted by an assessor or other approved person. The assessment may be made using paper, video or other forms of documentation, but in all cases the evidence is recorded in Compass to provide an auditable record of the assessment.
PetroSkills TRACCESS
Intelligent Solutions for Assurance
PetroSkills TRACCESS is a comprehensive, user-friendly competency intelligence system for supporting the assurance of qualified operations and maintenance (O&M) personnel. The combination of features and capabilities in TRACCESS enables you to clearly organize and manage competency-related processes for improved productivity across job roles.