A Sproule Company, MHA Aldrich, Jeffrey (Jeff) Mr. Ashford, Frank Dr.B
Bachtel, Steven Dr. Badruzzaman, Ahmed Dr. Bahar, Asnul Dr. Barkat, Omar Dr. Barry, Paul M. Mr. Bartok, Peter Mr. Bayer, Michael Beitel, David Bendorf, Robi Mr. Blincow, Mike Mr. Bobo, James Mr. Bombardieri, Robert Mr. Bothamley, Mark Mr. Bourdon, John C. Mr. Branscum, Stuart Mr. Brett, Ford Mr. Burianyk, Michael Dr. Bywater, Edwin MrC
Carlson, Jeff Carmody, Paul Mr. Charlesworth, Dave Chen, Andrew Dr. Cheung, Stephen (Steve) Dr. Chopra, Satinder Mr. Curry, John Mr. Cuyler, Kevin Mr.D
Datta-Gupta, Akhil Dr. Delshad, Mojdeh Dr. Devegowda, Deepak Mr. Diyashev, Iskander R. Dr. Dokianos, William Mr. Dunn-Norman, Shari Dr. Dziobon, ConradE
Elewa, Amr Hassan Abdelfatah Dr. Esener, AydinF
Finch, William (Bill) Mr. Fitz, Dale Dr. Foerg, Wolfgang Mr. Frankiewicz, Theodore (Ted) Dr. Frend, Ronald Mr.G
Gentges, Richard (Rick) Mr. Gerdes, Karl Dr. Ghalambor, Ali Dr. Gibbins, Andy Mr. Gibson, Dan Mr. Gilad, Josh Mr. Glaser, Donald Mr. Godfrey, Michael 'Mick' Mr Gomez, Mason Mr. Granath, James W. Dr. Guidroz, Gerald Mr.H
Hackler, Mark S. Mr. Haddad, Roger Mr. Hageman, Gerard Mr. Hamman, Jeff Mr. Haner, James Lee Dr. Harms, Larry Mr. Harper, Andrew S. Mr. Harrison, Malcolm Mr. Hazlett, W. Greg Dr. Henry, Richard S Mr. Hinn, Ron Mr. Hippman, Alan Mr. Holt, Charlie Mr. Huh, Chun Dr.J
Jacobs, Rodney Dr. Jacobs, James Mr. Jeje, Oluyemisi Jensen, Carlton Mr. Jewell, Stephen Mr. Johns, Russell T Dr. Johns, Russell T Dr Johnson, Raymond Dr. Johnson, Howard D. Dr.K
Kalra, Satish K. Dr. Kelkar, Mohan G. Dr. Kemp, Bill Mr.L
Lake, Larry W. Dr. Langer, James Mr. Lattner, Jim Dr Lelek, Jeffrey (Jeff) Mr. Lens, Larry Mr. Lippincott, Robert (Bob) G. Mr. Logel, John Mr. Lovelace, Perry Mr. Luca, Christiaan Mr. Lynn, Heloise Dr.M
Malino, Harvey Mr. Mangiavacchi, Andrea Dr. Marschall, David Mr. Martinez, John Mr. Martini, Paolo Mr Martinsen, Randi Ms. Massingill, Gary Dr. McCaffrey, Mark A. Dr. McGee, Dave Mr. McKeever, Steve McMahon, Timothy Dr. Metcalf, Steve Mr. Mills, Alan Mr. Mohanty, Kishore K. Dr. Moreno, Hector C. Mr. Morgan, John Mr. Morse, James D Mr. Moshfeghian, Mahmood Dr. Moyer, Larry Mr. Mujica, Santiago Mr. Murphy, David Patrick Mr.N
Nadar, Manickavasakan Mr. Nichol, John Robert (Bob) Dr. Nieman, Tim Mr. Notz, Phillip K. Dr.O
Ogilvie, Steven Dr. Ott, William K. Mr. Owen, Paul MrP
Palacios, Carlos Dr. Parker, Donald Mr Patterson, Ed Mr Pelton, David Dr. Pepper, Andrew Mr. Perdue, Jeanne Pingenot, Jason Mr. Powell, William (Bill) E. Mr. Prendergast, Gerard Mr.R
Rajani, Jay Dr. Redding, Philip Mr Riggs, John Mr. Robertson, Grant E. Dr. Ross, Gerry H. Mr.S
Sanchez, OJ Saugier, Kent Dr. Saveth, Kenneth J Mr. Schuyler, John Mr. Sepulvado, Robert (Bob) Mr. Shah, Subhash N. Dr. Singh, Amrit Mr. Sneider, John S. Dr. Snow-McGregor, Kindra Marie Mrs. Soltanzadeh, Hamidreza (Mehrdad) Dr. Sourisseau, Kenneth Mr. Specialist, PetroSkills Spilsbury, Chris Mr. Spraggon, Chris Mr. Summers, Marc Mr.T
Temples, Tom J. Dr. TenHoor, David Mr. Tubbs, David Mr. Tucker, Ronnie Mr.V
Vargas, Hector Hugo Mr.W
Watson, Stuart Mr. Watson, Colin Mr. Webber, Jeff Mr. Wilkins, Scott Dr. Wilson, Scott J. Mr. Wright, Wes Mr.About
Our instructors include the leading technical experts in the petroleum industry. Most are consultants who work on the leading edge of technology, addressing the most pressing challenges the industry faces today.
In the PetroSkills Instructor Training Program, our instructors learn to be superb teachers – experts in active learning. In classes and field trips around the world, they provide an experience that is engaging, practical and 100% relevant for oil and gas professionals throughout the industry.
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PetroSkills takes pride in an unparalleled instructor and consultant network of over 240 of the brightest minds in the business. Although their background and experience are as diverse as the industry itself, they all have one thing in common – an ability to effectively communicate their technical expertise in an engaging and lasting way.
PetroSkills instructors and consultants have access to high quality content and course material resources, as well as a benchmark instructor development program. They also have the support of a training department designed to work out the logistics and take care of the details necessary to make the teaching experience both fulfilling and seamless.
If you have the rare combination of technical competency, deep experience, and passion for teaching others, we would love to hear from you.